Modern Prophets Following in my Footsteps
- Abby Mudd This high school student courageously stood up to anti-Semitism in her school.
- Judith Resnik The first Jewish astronaut fearlessly faced the unknown of space travel.
Biblical Buzz:
The prophet Malachi says that Elijah will reappear on earth as a sign of the coming of the Messiah, and he will make peace between “parents and their children and between children and their parents…” (Malachi 3:23 – 24).
Favorite Song:
“Eliyahu Hanavi.”
Preferred Mode of Travel:
Fiery chariots with fiery horses fueled by whirlwinds.
Favorite Quotation:
In response to Ahab’s bullying, the prophet said: “I did not bring trouble on Israel; it was caused by your abandonment of Adonai’s mitzvot and your pursuit of foreign gods.”(I Kings 18:18).
Major Contribution:
Elijah was the conscience of Israel. He kept the king in check, ensuring the role of future prophets as the conscience of the people.
- Born in the ninth century BCE, Elijah was from Gilead, a mountainous region in the northern kingdom of Israel
- Hebrew Name: Eliyahu, meaning “my God is Adonai.”
- Archenemies: King Ahab and Queen Jezebel of Israel.